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“When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself” ― Earl Nightingale Here are the most common misconceptions that I want to clear up – We would love to hear other Filipinas’ stories so please feel free to share your experiences below! This is also for all the Filipinas dating Foreigners instead of our Filipino men and being judged for it! 7. Only desperate Filipinas are dating Foreigners!įilipinas dating foreigners – The Real Life Experiences and Criticisms of a Filipina dating a Westerner No, Jonathan didn’t buy me from a farmer!.The foreigner is dating me because he needs a slave. 4. If he marries me, he will marry and support my whole family.

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I’m only successful because of my foreigner partner. I’m dating a foreigner because I need his money. I’m dating a Foreigner because I need a Visa or his British passport. This is also for all the Filipinas dating Foreigners instead of our Filipino men and being judged for it!.Filipinas dating foreigners – The Real Life Experiences and Criticisms of a Filipina dating a Westerner.

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